Thursday, November 27, 2008

RanDom test

1) What is the thing you wanted to do most?
To go back in time to see dinosaurs

2) What age would you forever like to be?
-3000000 (to see dinosaurs)

3) If you have 1 more wish what would that be?
eat dinosaurs

4)What are you afraid to lose right now?
My life.

5)Are you happy with what you have right now?

6) If you met with someone you love, would you confront him?

7) Who do you love most?

8) What is currently on your mind right now?
Why dinosaurs get extinct and why that scientist distroyed the last T-Rex DNA

9)What is your favourite colour?
Green Dino Green

10)Would you cherish a friendship of yours?
Why not

11) Is there really someone you hate?

12)What animal do you hate most in your life?

13) Do you find a need to have a stead?
no we have cars

14) What do you want your friendship to be like?

15) Who would you talk to , if it was your last breath?

16) What would you do if you feel that you're not being loved?

17)If your feelings are low, one day who would you go out with?

18) Who would you spend your time with if it is your last day on earth?

19)Who would you want to meet right now?
dinosaurs stop contradicting

20)If you can have anything in the world, what would it be?
1 night with dinosaurs

Remove 1 question from the above and replace it with your own question make it a total of 20 questions and tag 8 ppl in your list. List them out at the end of your post and notify them that they have been tagged. Whoever done this will be blessed.

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